Check the Move-In Schedule
Here in the Petersburg Virginia, move-in weekend is an incredibly busy time. Not only do most students arrive back on campus in just a few days, they often have parents and others in tow. Depending on the size and number of the roads leading to campus and the layout inside the school's boundaries, you might spend a lot of time trying to cover a relatively small amount of ground. Knowing exactly when you can arrive on campus to start the process means you can plan more effectively.
Writing for HuffPost, life coach Kelley Monroe recommends arriving a day early (that’s if the trip is a long one). She says to take care of as much as possible - from last-minute purchases to picking up student IDs and other necessities - during that extra day of free-time.
Specific times to move into buildings are also important to understand. For large dorms, access to elevators and tools like wheeled carts can be limited during peak times. Arriving at the very start of the scheduled move-in time doesn't guarantee you'll have instant access to those helpful tools, but it boosts your chances of finding them.
Contact Your Roomate(s)
It is very important to coordinate with your roommate so you avoid frustrating situations and don’t end up with duplicate items.
If you are moving off-campus, you will be able to choose the person you’re about to share your living space with and discuss all the relevant issues in detail.
When moving into a dorm, try to learn who your roommate(s) will be and get in touch with them in advance. See if they’re willing to share some appliances and electronics, decide what larger items each of you will bring (mini-fridge, microwave, TV, etc.), discuss what each of you need and prefer, and do your best to ensure a peaceful and convenient lifestyle that both of you will enjoy for the semesters to come.
Share how excited about moving to college in Petersburg VA you are or how scared and uncertain it makes you feel. Let your roommate(s) know some important details, such as the phone number to contact your family in case of emergency or what needs to be done if you have an allergy attack. Remember – there is a good chance that your roommate will become one of your closest friends on campus!
For more assistance on moving into your dorm during back to school season, contact Mid-Atlantic Moving & Storage for a free moving estimate at 877-452-4797.